Current Sindh Education System Status – Challenges and Suggestions

The second largest province by population in Pakistan is Sindh, which borders India on its south and east, North Punjab, Balochistan, and the West Side of the Arabian Sea. Sindh lacks a modern education system, and its current system seems to have failed compared to that of other provinces and worldwide.

The Current Sindh Education System Status is not in the right manner. From education syllabus to education facilities and test papers formation, the relevant institutions and government policies went wrong. As you know, a nation will not progress when its education system is not properly destroyed with old or outdated syllabus.

The province is in the same condition, there’s no planning for the changes in the education syllabus since it was published the first time. If you compare with the other countries’ education syllabus and their education system the Pakistani country has in old and outdated education system. There are significant improvements are necessary according to the current education status of other countries.

Outdated Syllabus with Old Education System

Students in Sindh province read the old-researched and uninformative syllabus yet today, the Education and Literacy Department of Sindh government hasn’t made any significant changes to its syllabus. On the other hand, look at the education system and timely updated syllabus of our neighbor country India which makes efforts to update its syllabus as well as the education system to provide timely and informative education to students.

Compared to other provinces, Sindh is only a province where national-level colleges, universities and other private institutions are spreading education. But it seems to me that there’s no right education spreading strategy, it only happens that our syllabus is not timely updated so it does not leave a more beneficial educational impact on students.

Many schools, and colleges in Sindh province face teacher shortages and there is a lack of furniture like tables, chairs, and water facilities as well as other general needs. Teachers face travel issues in privileged areas where it does not seem possible to reach without any car or 125CC bikes and normally teachers cannot afford this, so they do not reach the school on time.

Challenges in the Sindh Education System

The Sindh government strongly efforts to manage the education system properly in the entire province, regarding this, the government have appointed thousands of Primary (PST) and Elementary Teachers (JEST) to fulfil the required teaching positions at schools. After the 2-month summer vacation, the school was reopened but the syllabus was not reached timely and it was about one 15-days or 1 month.

Two or more students have to sit at one desk due to a shortage of furniture, TEOs and DEOs do not look at the schools in districts and do not visit schools to know which mandatory things, equipment and other necessary things should be provided to the school.

The education department does not train the teachers, and no single training session on held in the past few years. It is responsibility of a department to aware teacher about new ways of teaching, syllabus and technical education. In schools, e’s no sports facilities for students like cricket tours, football or other matches.

Schools and Teacher Data

As per data from Dawn newspaper, a total of 49,103 are registered schools in Sindh province where 133,000 teachers are appointed these schools, only 36,659 schools are functional while other schools are closed yet. The report added more about the lack of facilities in schools, there are 31,000 schools which are without electricity and 21,000 schools have no boundary wall.

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In addition to this, 26,260 schools face drinking water facilities while more than 5000 schools are shelterless. This is not enough, political interference in postings and transfers is common in the Sindh education system, A large number of absent teachers are caused by political support and they hire another person on behalf of the teacher in school and they are busy in their personal lives.

Recently, the MDACT paper leaked two times which is an important admission paper for an MBBS degree which costs the fees in lacs. It unveiled that many people are involved in the leakage of MDACT paper which is shameful for the government and education department. The education department took charge of DOW University after being leaked for the first time, but due to mismanagement and bed planning the paper was leaked for 2nd time and it was considered as the ineligibility of the education system in Sindh.

Private Institutions Role in Education

It is heard that government teachers do not focus on teaching in government schools, they teach students only a few chapters and engage them to join the private institutions for better education rather than government schools. They already become part of private schools, in the morning they join duty in government schools and then teach the same students in private centres, this is the education in Sindh.

Sindh Government Needs to Take Necessary Steps

To manage the education system and provide timely and updated syllabi in schools, it is important to make the right planning committee which analyses the education system and takes advanced steps to make strong education policies. Without any government policy and funds, every department can not make progress. It will be admirable steps to take into confidence to all relevant bodies and discuss what is necessary things how it can be possible to manage it.

Ineligible officers are appointed in the education department who do not make any effort to change the syllabus or education. A nation will make progress if its education system is strong. If you look at foreign countries that are well-developed in the education sector, they have focused on creating new things, doing research on different topics, and inventing unique concepts.

Sindh is not the only province which faces an education crisis, another province in Pakistan faces mostly education problems, they also do not have the facilities for books, buildings, and other problems. The Balochistan province is in the lack of education where education is very less than in other provinces.

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